Acupuncture is an alternative medical therapy that is commonly practiced in the Chinese tradition. It is an invasive procedure where acupuncturists insert needles in various acupressure points on the body. There are various types of acupuncture treatments practiced all over the world. It is said that acupuncture
Read more →Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine that is practiced as an alternative medicine, even today. The treatment basically involves inserting thin needles at specific points in the body. This is done to create a balance in energy. It is widely believed that it can treat pain and
Read more →Women during pregnancy undergo various health discomforts. Morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting are common among most pregnant women. They opt for different medical remedies to beat morning sickness. Reiki therapy is one such alternative medicine that is offered by professional practitioners. It is a form of energy
Read more →Practice Reiki Therapy every day Most People feel that daily practice of reiki is only essential for the first 21 days after they have achieved attunement. While this is true because it is during this period that the body becomes accustomed to the life-force energy and develops
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