Considering the physical and mental stress people go through these days, the demand for massage therapy is unlikely to go down anytime soon. With proper precautions and safety measures, you can start your massage therapy centre or reopen your business, even amidst the current scenario without much
Read more →The pain along the sciatic nerve is referred to as sciatica. The nerve extends from the legs and up the lower back along the buttocks and hip. The pain can be felt at the different regions along the passage of the nerve. The illness usually affects the
Read more →Stroke rehabilitation and massage therapy A cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke happens when there is an interruption in the bloodstream to the particular region of the brain or when the vein in the brain floods or bursts the nearby tissue with blood. When the stroke is caused
Read more →What is the aim of the massages? Most people think that both spa massages and massage therapy are the same and do not have any specific differences. But in reality, both are different and suggested various kinds of treatment. Both are applied for different purposes. Ensure to
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