Why Is It Called Battlefield Acupuncture? It is a well-known fact that Acupuncture is a Chinese method of treatment that was developed eons ago. But Battlefield Acupuncture is relatively new. In fact, it is very new. Conceived and developed by Dr. Richard Niemtzow in 2001, BFA or
Read more →Acupuncture is an ancient medical therapy practised by the Chinese. It is the use of thin needles on pressure points in your body to create a therapeutic effect. It is said that there is no scientific evidence on the results of traditional acupuncture practice. Over the years,
Read more →A Scientific Exploration Of Acupuncture & Shedding Weight There have been a growing number of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of acupuncture in pain relief by getting rid of stress and anxiety. With this evidence in light, more and more researchers are not digging into a scientific
Read more →What is acupuncture and community acupuncture? Acupuncture is an additional TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) that is effective for treatment for chronic osteoarthritis, back, shoulder, and neck pain. The treatment is provided for about eight weekly sessions and offers lasting results for the patients. It has been proven
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