Acupuncture is an ancient medical therapy practised by the Chinese. It is the use of thin needles on pressure points in your body to create a therapeutic effect. It is said that there is no scientific evidence on the results of traditional acupuncture practice. Over the years,
Read more →Reiki is an energy healing therapy which helps to attain a balance between both physical and mental well-being. Reiki therapy for animals is an animal-guided healing process which is achieved by the practice of meditation. It is possible to create a healing connection with animals or pets
Read more →A Scientific Exploration Of Acupuncture & Shedding Weight There have been a growing number of studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of acupuncture in pain relief by getting rid of stress and anxiety. With this evidence in light, more and more researchers are not digging into a scientific
Read more →How effective is Reiki therapy for depression? Nearly 264 million people are diagnosed with depression across the world, and it is quickly becoming a deadly mental disorder that drives the sufferer to extreme actions. Depression can affect anyone regardless of age or gender and destroys the quality
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